Creating and Sharing Prosperity: A Reflection from the Territories of Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia
January 14, 2025

By: Anibal Fernandez de Soto

GeoPark Nature and Neighbors Manager


Sustainable development is not created in isolation nor immediately. It is a continuous process that involves all areas of society and depends on solid partnerships, the will to move forwards, and a shared vision of the future. My career in the public and private sectors has brought me to this conviction.

In a country like Colombia where the Gini coefficient of close to 0.54 in 2023 shows persistent inequality, creating opportunities becomes an inescapable responsibility rather than just an option. This context validates GeoPark’s mission, which goes further than producing energy. In departments such as Casanare, Meta, and Putumayo, we work together with our neighboring communities every day to build a more prosperous and sustainable future.

The year just gone was witness to the transformative power of working together, in projects ranging from improving families’ sanitation solutions, providing access to energy or promoting quality education, to environmental conservation initiatives that protect the unique biodiversity of our country. These projects have been possible thanks to a fundamental principle in how we relate: Good Neighborliness.

Good Neighborliness is not about fulfilling obligations. It involves listening, adapting, respecting the vision of others and generating shared value from what brings us together. It is about understanding that our success as an energy company also depends on the well-being of the people who share their surroundings with us.

However, we can neither do everything nor act alone. The magnitude of challenges facing our communities – from access to basic services to climate adaptation challenges – requires the combined effort of everyone: companies, government, social organizations and, above all, the communities themselves.

Therefore, beyond highlighting achievements such as building essential infrastructure or providing free-of-charge health services in the territories where we operate, I want to take the opportunity to reflect and make an invitation to continue building together, remembering that sustainable development is a shared goal that, although challenging, is an opportunity to show how energy can be a force for transformation.

At GeoPark we know that there is still much to learn and improve. We strive to listen more and to be better neighbors every day. Our SPEED (Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development) approach guides our sustainability framework and is a constant reminder that every decision has an impact, and every action must align with a greater purpose.

Today, as we reflect on what we learned in 2024 and prepare for 2025, I want to invite all the stakeholders who share the territories where we operate to strengthen our partnerships, build bridges, and continue to show how sustainability is a path that we walk together.

Human, social and environmental development are inseparable pillars of a prosperous society. Let’s continue working so that, as we look back, we can proudly say that we helped to make prosperous regions, and that we left a legacy of hope and opportunities for future generations. Ultimately, shared prosperity is the only development that is truly worthwhile.

For more information about GeoPark’s territorial management, please visit this link.


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