GeoPark Promotes Good Labor Practices in its Value Chain

September 28, 2020

Casanare, Colombia – September 28, 2020

As a result of a partnership between GeoPark and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC), five GeoPark contractors have been awarded Good Labor Practices certification. The certification recognizes high standards of labor management in areas including hiring, salaries, payments of social contributions, social security, and labor regulations.

Following a meticulous validation process by ICONTEC, the companies that won the Good Labor Practices certification were CIAM, a Tauramena engineering project services company; ECOSSIS Ingeniería, a Casanare company that provides road safety services; SAR ENERGY, a production and maintenance services company; and TOP DRILLING and TUSCANY, drilling, workover and completion services companies.

The certification is part of the efforts led by GeoPark since 2018 to ensure quality labor standards in its value chain. Recognizing the importance of this matter, the Company has worked in recent years together with the labor law firm Godoy Cordoba Abogados in a Labor Management program to supervise the compliance of more than 100 GeoPark contractors with labor regulations.

With these initiatives, the Company reaffirms its commitment to promoting compliance with the best labor practices in its value chain, ensuring fair and competitive working conditions for all its contractors’ employees.

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