In 2020 GeoPark Strengthened its Commitment to Communities in Casanare

January 4, 2021

Casanare, Colombia – January 4, 2021 

Despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and the fall in oil prices in 2020, GeoPark kept its commitment to become the neighbor and partner of choice of communities in Casanare. Last year GeoPark worked together with the departmental administration, Villanueva and Tauramena municipalities and their neighboring communities on projects to face the health emergency and continue contributing to the social and economic development of all neighbors at its operation in Casanare.

Social and business strengthening programs carried out during 2020

Within the framework of its commitment to good neighborliness, GeoPark continued implementing social initiatives to benefit the areas that it operates in. Among them, the following stand out:

  • The continuity of the partnership with the national territorial development bank Findeter to carry out studies whose results provide tools with which local entities can improve socioeconomic planning in Villanueva and
  • The implementation of an agreement with the Colombia Somos Todos James Rodriguez Foundation, in which more than 200 children and young people from Casanare were trained in leadership and the wholesome use of free time through recreation and
  • Certification of six contractors, including three Casanare companies, by the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC) in Good Labor Practices. This initiative contributes to the strengthening of local
  • The continuity of the commitment to Casanare residents with reduced mobility through the delivery of 30 new wheelchairs and support in their therapeutic
  • For the eighth consecutive year, the delivery of 1,300 study kits to children in the villages in the Tauramena and Villanueva area of influence within the framework of the ‘Children and Youth for the Future’ Program, which seeks to ensure that the Company’s youngest neighbors have access to necessary items for good academic
  • Progress in the construction of the first phase of the Sports Center in the village of Pinalito Alto in Tauramena. This project, developed with the municipal administration and community representatives, will benefit about 7,000 residents who will be able to share sports and recreation
  • Improvements to the La Florida park in Tauramena through providing benches, see-saws and a children’s area, so that about 1,600 inhabitants can enjoy their free time with recreational and sports
  • Paerticipation in a breastfeeding event held in Tauramena, for which the Company donated hygiene kits and products for newborns, contributing to the development of the strategy for pregnant and lactating
  • In conjunction with Villanueva municipality, the donation to the Red Cross and the Civil Defense of two headquarters to improve emergency care response capacity in the
  • The construction of a perimeter fence at the Nuestra Senora de los Dolores de Manare school, in the village of Santa Helena in Villanueva
  • Holding workshops in the village of Puerto Miriam in Villanueva to identify community needs and structure related social investment These workshops were developed in conjunction with the Villanueva mayor’s office to guarantee that the projects are part of the Municipal Development Plan.
  • The donation of equipment to the Villanueva Metallurgical Workers Association and the holding of training sessions for about 100 workers in working at height, working in confined spaces, and skills certification by

Environmental initiatives promoted in 2020

In environmental matters, the Company stayed loyal to its commitment to value natural resources and make every effort to contribute to caring for the environment. In its environmental work, the following initiatives stand out:

  • Within the framework of its 1% investment plan, in 2020 GeoPark signed and started an agreement with the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) to install a network of hydrometeorological stations and build a regional center for the reception of meteorological
  • The certification of the Company’s Environmental Management System was renewed. This certification recognizes GeoPark’s good performance in water efficiency, energy efficiency, waste handling and disposal, and environmental training for its employees and neighboring

Support to Casanare communities and response during the health emergency

 To support its neighbors in the most critical moments of the year due to the pandemic, GeoPark:

  • Delivered more than 1,900 aid parcels, donated more than 3,000 medical supplies and more than 1,100 personal protection items to local health centers, as well as the municipalities of Yopal, Villanueva and Tauramena and their neighboring
  • Developed training sessions for neighboring communities to prevent Covid-19
  • Became the first oil and gas company in the world to obtain the Safeguard seal of renowned international entity Bureau Veritas. This certificate recognizes best practices and strict compliance with the personal protection protocols established in its
  • Supported 10 of its contractor companies in the certification process for the Bureau Veritas Safeguard

In 2021 GeoPark will continue implementing important socio-environmental projects in the area, which were suspended because of the pandemic. It will also continue with its firm commitment to work together with institutions and its neighboring communities to continue building a legacy of prosperity and sustainable development in Casanare.

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